I’ve been thinking and thinking about how to wrap my brain around all the networking sites while still having time to work at my job (VERY IMPORTANT!) and make my leather bracelets to sell. I know I really need to promote myself to make sales but where is my time best spent?
Last fall I attended a lecture on social media sites. I think the biggest thing I learned was if you are just beginning, give yourself the time to develop on these sites. You’re not going to get hundreds of followers right away. That made me feel much better! Everyone is always talking about how many followers they have but that doesn’t necessarily make a lot of sales. Like my favorite motto is, it’s quality not quantity. OK that’s confirmation for me.
The next reinforcement for me (and I’ve heard this from many different sources) is to just pick two that you like and focus on them. I love Instagram and Pinterest. Because I love pictures just like everyone else. You know – a picture is worth a thousand words!
                               See what I’ve done here???
It’s true! I love my blog but it’s so hard to start typing. So now I’m typing and the words are just poring out. I’m going to have to pair this all down before I publish. Twitter to me is just another word for torture!!! I hate it. You only have 140 characters and when you add a photo it comes out as a link! How many of you actually hit that link???
So I’m concentrating on Instagram and Pinterest. Quick, easy, love the hash tag thing. Also it’s a good thing to vary the types of content you post. I know everyone is pushing their wares but put some fun stuff in between and some personal stories. People want to know who they are dealing with.
Some research shows that the best posting times for Instagram are weekends and evenings. Also mid afternoons to catch the stay at home Moms. For Pinterest it shows Saturday mornings are the best times to post. The worst is 5pm to 7pm. I guess everyone is having dinner.
So, I will try to get some kind of order to this and see how it goes!