I started this blog a few months ago. I sell on Etsy and my Etsy friends say you have to have a blog! It will help you get noticed. Okay. Gotta say, it’s been torture! There is a lot of instruction out there but if you don’t speak “code”, it’s all Greek to me. Thank my lucky stars for You Tube and one of my Etsy friends who is going through the same thing. The other day we decided to meet up at a place that had free Wi-Fi so we could bring our computers and hash things out between us. So picture this, two 60ish women going into this place with our big laptops. I started looking around and asked her “do you notice what I notice?” Yes, she said! Almost every table was filled with 30 something’s and they all had these little tablet things and they were all typing away and talking on their smartphones at the same time. I felt so old!!
Anyway, I think I’ve gotten through most of it. I think it looks good. FEEL FREE TO LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! I WOULD LOVE SUGGESTIONS! But now I struggle with good content. Up until this time I’ve mostly been reblogging some of my favorites in the name of saving time. Sorry, if I’ve blog stalked anyone! I’ve spent so much time trying to figure every step out, when I finally look up, its 4pm and I haven’t done anything else. But I know I have to start writing my own thoughts. But what??? My life isn’t particularly exciting. I’m just a senior trying to get by. Don’t feel I’m an expert at anything. I’ve been trying to make money by making purses and selling them in my Etsy shop. Learning to sew has been another whole story!! Again, thanks to You Tube, I feel I’m becoming a respectable sewer. But not expert enough for me to blog about and, let’s face it, you know how many sewing blogs are out there? A gazillion! I do love DIY projects and have done a couple things in my own house but again, not an expert.
However what I am, like I said, is a senior trying to get by and I can discuss my experiences on that! So I’ll be sharing how I’m trying to get within a budget – first one specifically is the grocery budget!! Stay tuned!!
Bravo! Looking forward to your budget tips!