You all know I belong to a local Columbus Handmade. We had a great meeting last evening! One of our fellow (and more successful!) members gave us a presentation on how she has developed her business using Instagram. Gotta say, we were all glued to everything she had to say!
She shared so much of what she does I can’t possibly include everything here! But here’s what I feel are some good tips:
Separate your personal account from your business account. Your business account should primarily focus on your brand; however, you should include some photos showing a little more of your personality so people get a sense of who you actually are. Try to make them relate back to how you operate and develop your products.
Put effort into editing your photos. That’s how you attract followers i.e. customers.
Engage, meaning send a reply, with anyone that takes the time to make a comment on your picture. That’s how you develop connections which are so important to future sales.
Post 2-4 times per day and mostly use only 5-7 hashtags with each photo. You can use more when you feel necessary but 5-7 is a good guide.
Here’s one I never thought of – hashtag your OWN business name. You would think people would automatically know that but they can click on your hashtag and immediately see all of your photos.
Also, only use hashtags that are relevant to your brand. You will attract people that are truly interested in your items.
Well, that’s a good start without me going through the entire presentation! I know I’ve got a lot of work to do. I think the posting 2-4 times per day will be my biggest challenge.
Wish me luck! And Good Luck to all of you!