My conclusion is that I will be going to Wal-Mart first. What I don’t find there I will go to my smaller regional grocery. Not bothering with Kroger. They didn’t have enough lower priced items for me to go there.
So here’s my plan of action which I did last week. Go online (or use your newspaper, I don’t get one) to coupons.com. It doesn’t take long at all, probably 10 minutes each week. Clip the coupons you want. Now here’s the trick! DON’T USE THEM RIGHT AWAY! Most times if there is a coupon, the item will be on sale in a couple weeks. You can save them by expiration date so you can keep track of them. So wait to catch the item on sale, then use the coupon with the sale. Another tip, you can use a store coupon plus a manufacture’s coupon at the same time. If you work it right you can buy an item on sale with two coupons and pay next to nothing for it. Another tip, which happened to me last week, if there’s a vendor’s representative in the aisle stocking his items, be friendly and talk to them! They carry coupons with them to give to customers. I ran into two different reps and they gave me coupons on the spot!
My shopping trip to Wal-Mart last week using my plan saved me $36.00. For the entire month I saved $72.33 off my grocery bill. And I am just getting started. I haven’t even concentrated on the couponing and the sale items!
So I wish you all good luck in cutting your grocery bill!! Next stops for me are the cell phone and the TV cable bills. I’ve already started on them!